2-Day Betty Coombs Estate Auction
Saturday, June 3rd @ 9am
Sunday, June 4th @ 12noon
1015 Water Street
Charlestown, IN 47111
- Food & drinks available
Selling the contents of two turn-of-the-century homes and outbuildings. A variety of items selling each day – should be lots of surprises!
Lifetime antique collection from two 1800’s homes in downtown Charlestown including cupboards, chests, Willett, cherry & maple furniture, tall case clock, stoneware, glassware, china, quilts, art, primitives and much more. Auction located 1 mile North of St. Rd. 62 just 3 blocks off St. Rd. 3.
Cherry 7’ blind door corner cupboard, cherry stepback & flat wall cupboards, walnut 2-piece stepback cupboard, English mahogany 2-piece cupboard with carved doors & mirrors, Victorian 2-door & 3-door walnut bookcases, walnut jelly cupboard, ornate mahogany leaded glass server, multi-drawer mahogany server with leather top, reproduction Ky. cherry sugar chest & 7-drawer chest, maple blanket chest, washstands, carved bow front china cabinet, floor mirror, 14-drawer letter file cabinet, oak 4-drawer file cabinet, 8’ long spindled back deacons bench, oak library table, wood office desk & arm chairs, (2) small oriental chests, early jewelers bench, primitive blue settle back bench, as-is oak wardrobe, mahogany back bar mirror, Victorian dressers, settee & chairs, 1940’s cherry bedroom furniture, poster bed, dry sink, curio cabinet, mission oak music cabinet, 30+ assorted chairs, oak round & square tables, Queen Anne silver chest, oak ice box, oak mission rocker, leather woven stool, F.H. Conant’s Sons Camden NY painted mission rocker, 12-tin pie cupboard, early cherry cupboard top, retro basketweave metal glider, waterfall cedar chests, other as-found furniture plus modern oak S-curve roll top desk, cherry high poster bed and highboy chest.
25+ pieces including cherry rope twist full & twin beds, 6-drawer chests, dressers, vanities, nightstands, drop leaf table, chairs, shaving mirrors, rocker and maple Lancaster County bed, chest & night stand – all in original finish.
Early 1800’s cherry 8’ tall case clock with hand painted face, Henry Birks & Sons cherry grandfather clock with moon dial, cuckoo clock, fancy kitchen clock & octagon wall regulator clock.
Pioneer Bottling House J.P. Dant Louisville Ky 3-gallon jug, Christian Moerlein Brewing “Old Jug Beer” bottle, stone crocks, dough bowls, blue & white pitchers, spongeware and more.
National No. 47 1/2 brass cash register, oak spool cabinet, Coke ice chest from Louisville, KY & Coke bottle thermometer, 7UP ice chest, (3) Hamilton Beach milkshake mixers, large selection of quilts, wood sugar buckets, rolling pins & dough bowls, hickory baskets, spinning wheel, wood easel, Cleveland saxophone, F.E. Olds trumpet, vintage Hudson Bay blankets, graniteware, Roseville vase, art pottery, paperweights, cast cookware & doorstops, vintage buggy carriage, trunks, FDR scrapbook, vintage B&W Air Force photos, Charlestown Band marching hats, letter sweater, toll painted trays, old books, vintage Barbies, doll house & furniture, board games, Buddy L, Structo & Tonka toy trucks, Home Sanitary milk box, vintage tools, copper & cast iron cookware, Singer sewing machine, Ray Day framed Mail Pouch barn, Coca Cola barn & See Ruby Falls prints, Don Ensor prints, (5) Red Skelton clown prints, old oil paintings, trunks, vintage table & floor fans, china dolls, linens, Aladdin hanging wall lamp, vintage paint by number art, vintage children’s clothes, Bomber jacket & military uniforms, wood & ceramic masks, tin candy molds, vintage juicers, metal boxes, sprinkling cans, wood pantry boxes, Planters peanut jar, German steins, vintage wood & brass floor & table lamps, kraut boards, wood butter churn, local political signs, political buttons, clothes, oil lamps, old 33 records and much more.
Ladies 14K gold wrist watch, (3) gold plated pocket watches, large selection of costume jewelry including brooches, necklaces, pendants, earrings & cameos.
Very large collection including cake stands, compotes, candy dishes, vases, colorful blown glass, coin spot glass, swirl glass pitchers, set of Franciscan Ware dinnerware, large selection of Betty Coombs hand painted china, unpainted china plus electric ceramic kiln.
Large Indiana limestone planter on pedestal, iron park bench & chair, iron patio furniture, concrete & iron yard art.
Marantz, Sansui & Realistic receivers, Curtis Mathes, Kenwood, Pioneer & Sherwood turntables, speakers, selection of wood & plastic floor and table radios including Zenith, Philco, Emerson & more.
I-265 to St. Rd. 62. East 8 miles to left on St. Rd. 3. North 1 mile to right on Water Street. 3 blocks to auction.